Robust Spiritual Power In Pentecost

Image of Rev. Kit Billings
Rev. Kit B. Billings
LaPorte New Church Swedenborgian
Psalm 104:31-34 | John 14:8-17

God is a vigorous bringer of life, and He understands our need for immense encouragement and empowerment in our lives. The day when Pentecost happened for real as is recorded in the Book of Acts chapter 2 was recorded for two reasons: 1) to record for the transformation of our world the events that took place for the birthing of Christianity. And 2) so that everyone connected to the Lord’s Christian way of life could be imprinted with this saving truth: that no matter how hard, painful and discouraging life gets for us on Earth, nothing…and I do mean NOTHING…will stand in the way of the Lord’s personal, compassionate support for us, lifting us heavenward into God’s power of Love itself.

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