Perceiving the Spiritual in Contrasts

Image of Rev. Kit Billings
Rev. Kit B. Billings
LaPorte New Church Swedenborgian
Exodus 13:17-22 2 | Corinthians 4:6-12

Insights for Worship
Secrets of Heaven n. 5962.2 by Emanuel Swedenborg

“It is part of God’s divine design that things proceed from beginning to end; this is both a pattern overall and a pattern in smaller increments within the overall pattern. This design allows for the variety of all things, and this variety allows there to be qualities of all kinds. The quality of anything is more perfectly assessed through its contrast to things that are somewhat its opposite and things that are very much its opposite. Darkness allows us to appreciate what a wonderful thing light is, and coldness allows us to appreciate what a wonderful thing heat is. Likewise (as everyone surely recognizes), falsity allows us to appreciate what a wonderful thing truth is, and evil allows us to appreciate what a wonderful thing goodness is. What would color be if only white existed, and black did not? The quality of the other colors would be poorer if there were no way to darken them.”

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