Holy Week: Culminating Victories By the Lord

Image of Rev. Kit Billings
Rev. Kit B. Billings
LaPorte New Church Swedenborgian
Isaiah 50:4-9 | Matthew 21:5-17

Here we are, my friends!  The week above all weeks, as far as Christianity is concerned, Holy Week.  Holy Week is by far the most riveting and powerful week that we honor and observe as Christians.  Holy Week, of course, begins today with Palm Sunday and guides us through many very moving moments of healing and teaching that the Lord did, often while He was inside the Great Temple, all the while knowing that while He did His great work, His rival enemies within the Sanhedrin were fuming with anger and plotting how they would try to destroy their greatest threat—who was Jesus of Nazareth.

This sacred week culminates in the final hours of Christ’s natural life on Earth, when He instituted His Holy Supper, washed His disciples’ feet and then prayed with sweat and blood in Gethsemane just before He was arrested, then tried and condemned…spat upon and struck by angry fists, flogged by Roman soldiers and then crucified and murdered upon a cross.

Palm Sunday reveals for us several very important Divine truths for us to reflect upon: 1) it reminds us of how Jesus Himself understood His identity and His mission; 2) it reveals to us again the oceanic depths of the Lord’s Love and the unstoppable bravery it gave Him; and 3) it teaches us as the Lord’s modern-day disciples that He finished His most important task of all, which was His lifelong process of glorifying the natural humanness He received from His mother’s ancestry and making it Divine.

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