Thou Shalt Not Steal

Image of Rev. Kit Billings
Rev. Kit B. Billings
LaPorte New Church Swedenborgian
Exodus 10:1-17 | John 10:1,7-11

Our loving Lord God of life gave the Ten Commandments to the children of Israel to enable them one day to inhabit the Promised Land.  Likewise, the Lord gave the world the Ten Commandments to give all of us spiritual entrance into His “spiritual promised land,” which Christ often called the Kingdom of Heaven.  Jesus preached that this Kingdom of love and wisdom actually lives within us all like a wondrous “well of the spirit,” which can be used to find and feel and enjoy what the Lord called the “living waters of life.”  “The Kingdom of Heaven is within you,” Jesus preached.  A primary goal of good religion is to help people learn how to find entrance into the Promised Land of spiritual life, which our Lord is sustaining deeply within us all.  Let us reflect together this morning about one of the ten great spiritual laws of this inner, spiritual landscape within each of us here today: “you shall not steal.”

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